Sunday, May 16, 2010

Republican Race

Clear an hour:

Now, this is good stuff. It all makes sense too. Imagine if this happened.
No one is expecting it. This would cause so much instability in the U.S. alone.

After watching this, I look at the Senate race here in Kentucky. Rand Paul is a supporter of lowering the debt, going as far to get rid of the Federal Reserve. Trey Grayson is the other Republican running for the same position and is supported by high ranking Republicans like Senator Mitch McConnell and Former Vice President Dick Cheney.

I personally think that both candidates are well qualified for the position and would do great in Washington. We need someone who will be able to cut debt. I think I am pegging Paul for the win. He has the support of the Tea Party and that alone is enough to get him elected. I am still conflicted and have to do some more research before I decide which candidate I will support.


Here's a quick overview of my itinerary on the Kentucky Rural Electric Washington Youth Tour.

Day 1 -
Depart from Lexington at 4:30 till we arrive at the Hotel in Charleston, WV.

Day 2 -
Tour Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home.
Dinner in Manassas and arrive in Washington D.C.

Day 3 -
Christ Church
Capitol Building, pictures
Tour of White House area
FDR Memorial
Boat Cruise and dance on the Potomac

Day 4 -
NRECA Youth Day
Smithsonian Institution Museums
U.S. Navy Band Concert at Capitol
Jefferson Memorial

Day 5 -
Tour WWII, Vietnam, Lincoln, and Korean War Veterans Memorials
Washington National Cathedral
Arlington National Cemetery
U.S. Marine Memorial

Day 6 -
Capitol Hill
Appointment with Representatives (BRETT GUTHRIE! YES)
Capitol Tours
Appointments with Senators (MITCH! YES)
Farewell event

Day 7 -
National Holocaust Memorial Museum
Old Post Office
Ford's Theatre
Hard Rock Cafe/ESPN Zone
National Archives
Depart for Kentucky

Day 8 -
Arrive in Lexington.

PUMPED for this trip to say the least. To be in the place where men like Lincoln and Reagan were really gets me pumped! I can't wait.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mr. Southard goes to Washington

Soon. I haven't posted one in a while. But I am going to Washington! Twice this coming summer. Once for a seven day trip and then I will work for Senator Mitch McConnell later this summer.

But in recent news - Immigration Reform! Arkansas passed reform that gives police officers the power to stop anyone and ask them for proof of their citizenship. Many people are saying that this raises questions of racial profiling. Does it?

It may. It allows officers to stop anyone "suspected of being an illegal alien." This could lead to officers pulling over or stopping Hispanic Americans. I don't know what to think on this issue. I know that the law means well, but it is kind of racial profiling. But what other way can a state stop illegal immigrants from taking advantages of services that legal ones need?

I think that this calls for review. Not to condemn the act, but to understand that Illegal Immigration is an issue that is growing in this country. I think that if we focused more on controlling the borders, that would stifle the need for this kind of action. The state is trying to make headway on an issue where the federal government has stopped. I admire their wanting to protect American Citizens, but wonder if there are other methods of achieving the same goal.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lessons from The Joker

To quote the late Heath Ledger, "Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me." That's to the point that I am with this health care bill. President Obama and the Democrats have blatantly ignored the majority of the American People. In doing this, they have ignored the majority that is no longer silent. People are tired of this. And most importantly, they don't want it.

The Declaration of Independence states that we, as American People, have three fundamental rights: LIFE, LIBERTY, THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Not Life, Liberty, The pursuit of happiness and health for all. Everyone has a RIGHT to be born in our country. No where does it say that people have a right to health care. That right is left to the state, and to the state alone.

But no, the democrats and President Obama are pushing their radical agenda to change this nation. And they probably will. I am shocked and chagrined, mortified and stupefied that they would try to shove such a thing down the throats of the American people when their ratings are at an all time low. In a way, it is disgusting.

I have said it before and I will say it again: The Democratic Party will regret this. This time I will explain why - People don't want this + People running on a conservative/anti-President Obama/anti-spending ticket = Election of a congress that will be difficult for President Obama and his colleagues to achieve anything. And the passage of the health care bill, my blog readers (If there are any), will lead to the election of the aforementioned congress. It's time for Mr. Obama to get off of his high horse and stop this from (as the Joker said) "blowing out of proportion."

Monday, March 8, 2010

True Colors

The Reconciliation movement I mentioned in another blog is not hushed any longer. Democrats are openly discussing using the movement and plan on shoving health care down the American People's throat. Saturday Night Live joked saying, "At least they will have someone to look at their throat." Yeah, well that's hilarious.

President Obama is calling for something to prevent filibuster and he is says that they "must finish their work." This ultimatum is horrific. That the President of the United States of America is calling for something that there is widespread opposition to, from all areas of the political spectrum.

I hope they pass it. I really do. If the Democrats and any of the Republicans vote for this bill, it will show their true colors - that they are Progressives. Progressives that are interested in their own agenda, not the agenda of the American People. If they show who they truly are they can kiss their election goodbye.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I started reading a book the other day. It is called "Do Hard Things." The tagline for the book is, "A teenage rebellion against low expectations." That is exactly what it is. The book was authored by two nineteen aged young men.

At age sixteen they were asked to be a part of the Alabama Supreme Court and were accepted as the youngest interns in the history of that court. They then began to assist in the campaign of the most senior member of the court.

I am only about to the fourth chapter and plan on updating everyone as I progress. So far they have talked about so many things, it is absolutely mind blowing. They encourage young people to get involved and to care about politics because they are going to influence us once we graduate. It's motivational and inspiring to see two kids start one summer reading famous books and then a couple years later they have expanded to a website with thousands of followers.

I implore you to check it out and become a member of the Rebelution!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Twenty Four

Tonight i would like to traverse into a different world. Into the world of Jack Bauer, Counter Terrorism Unit Agent. He is one of the main characters of the hit television show, 24.

Warning: Spoilers. I am currently watching the second season. First things first - The show is aired in real-time. Every episode is an hour long, but it is an hour in his life. It shows you every minute of day of his life. The shows are titled as "1:00 AM - 2:00 AM."

Thus far in one day, Jack has stopped a nuclear bomb and is now trying to stop World War III from taking place. Well, he didn't exactly stop it. It was detonated, but you'll have to watch the show. Currently, I am watching him being tortured for information regarding a memory chip. Too gruesome to describe. His daughter is suspected of murder and kidnapping.

Meanwhile, since the detonation, President David Palmer (The Allstate Guy), is having to deal with mass panic. He is also going back and forth on warring with three countries that might of had something to do with the attack. Oh, and there is a coup trying to get him out of office.

This show is pretty much amazing and one of the most suspenseful. No pun intended. It's pretty relevant to our life since we live in an era that is much like this one.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rushed Reconciliation

When one thinks of reconciliation, one associates the word with forgiveness. However, in politics, this is not the case.

When a bill of reconciliation is being talked about in Washington, it isn't a typical thing. It is a maneuver that is used to allow bills to be passed with a lower majority than they usually require. To me, this is very controversial. According to most polls, The People disagree with the radical health care reform that was passed last year.

I'm going to go ahead and say it - This is an outright dirty move. The Democrats are scared so they are going to again try to shove their political agenda down our throats whether we like it or not. In the case of the Senate, it would lower the amount of votes required to pass the bill from 60 to 51. It is obvious that this is an attempt to block any type of opposition - from Republicans and even moderate Democrats. With the election of Senator Scott Brown, the GOP clenched the 40th vote to filibuster or debate any bill.

If the Democrats follow through with this, I only predict that this will ultimately destroy the already divided party.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Capital Vocabulary

I'm kind of growing tired of the media. It all seems scrutinized too much these days. One person says one thing and people jump all over them. Rahm Emmanuel made a comment a few months back saying that something was "retarded". Sarah Palin called for him to be fired for using the comment. But when Rush Limbaugh used the term, he said it "satirically".

I'm not a fan of the comment, even though I may have said it a few times. I do happen to be a fan of some of Sarah Palin's views although there are plethoras of people that strongly dislike her. I believe it was very hypocritical of her to attack one man for saying it (a democrat) and then defend another man who used it (conservative). I believe that this will hurt Ms. Palin and it actually undermines her credibility as a person.

Let me be clear - Not defending Emmanuel. "Retard" has become a part of a lot of people's vocabulary. I'm not justifying his or anybody's use. Just saying if you are going to attack something, then you must be consistent in attacking it. I find it shocking that Sarah Palin, someone who I though could be a "Washington Outsider" could really sink down to the level of some of the unsavory characters in the Capital.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

State of Being

This week, President Obama gave his State of the Union address. I'm going to be honest. I watched only about half. I was then fed up with the clear half-truths and double standards that are held by this administration. I retreated to my own world to play Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, in both there are very few lies.

One of the main things that he asked for was a jobs bill to be on his desk soon. This is easier said than done. With Health-Care reform flying through the air, I don't see how one can just drop it to take on something else. To create a job bill, Democrats and Republicans will have to unite to formulate one. I do not see this happening in the near future.

Also, Mr. Obama met with the GOP of the House to discuss policy this weekend. It started out nice and then Republicans started asking tough questions. He mentioned at the beginning that he wanted opposition and then later Mr. Obama accuses the GOP of being "obstructionists", plotting on blocking every move.

That's all for now. I'm off to Poshley Heights.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Closed Door is the New Transparent

Update: Scott Brown is now Senator Scott Brown. This seat will allow filibustering in the senate.

Today marks an important day for President Obama's Administration. On this day, last year Mr. Obama signed a executive order to close Guantanamo Bay. In this order it was stated that "Gitmo" would be closed by today.

Obviously, it hasn't been.

This further shows Mr. Obama's lack to keep his word. Simply put - he hasn't kept his word. He promised that Gitmo would be closed in a year, he promised that his administration would constantly work to "cross the aisle" and he promised more transparency in the government. He also stated that the government should be held accountable. So here I am.

Why Gitmo remains open is clear: No prison want mass murderers in their jail cells. They are too high risk to contain. More than likely, the prisoners will be sent to the continental United States. I don't know how you feel, but if I was living in a city with a high security prison, I wouldn't want a terrorist sitting a couple miles away.

Why has he not worked to cross the aisle? He isn't willing to compromise. He has his standards of a government-run option for health care and doesn't want to try anything else. Even though the American People disagree with this idea. There are other options available that are supported by BOTH Democrats and Republicans. One that comes to mind is the idea of breaking down the selling barriers of insurance. Currently, insurance is issued differently for different states. By getting rid of these walls, it would encourage more competition among the companies, lowering prices and improving plans for customers.

Mr. Obama campaigned with the idea of more transparency. This commitment has NOT been honored. He said that he would have a place on the website that would allow The People (US) to decide what we thought about it. Where was this when Cap and Trade was passed? Most of you (Peers and even adults) don't even know what this is. It would be mandate that all energy companies have new infrastructure to reduce the amount of fuel carbon emissions. If they didn't reduce them fast enough, they have to buy "carbon allowances". I think the name is pretty self-explanatory, but they are a government issued authorization to emit a certain amount of carbon into the atmosphere. The costs of carbon allowances and the cost of new infrastructure to change their company to the government's new mandates will be passed on to us, the people paying for the power. This was a major promise that he has made, not honored and looks bleak.

All of these things show how Mr. Obama has failed to keep his word. Americans know this and understand this all too well. They have spoken out to him by electing a conservative to the seat of the late liberal lion who held the seat for 46 years. President Obama, I suggest you listen.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Off to the Races!

So I've went through several blog ideas and titles to come up with this - Politics of the day through the eyes of an everyday teenager.

Tomorrow there is a special election in Massachusetts to fill the senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy. The contenders are Martha Coakley and Scott Brown. Coakley is the incumbent democrat attorney general and republican Brown has been a member of the state senate and house of representatives. Until this month the election had been leaning towards Coakley, but now polls are showing that Brown is in close tie or even ahead of her.

Some may wonder why this election is so important. This seat has been held by the late Kennedy for forty-six years and it could be instrumental in the years to come of the President Obama's administration. Not to mention that our President himself has spent SO much time up there campaigning for her. This one seat would show what Massachusetts, a state that voted for him, is thinking after the first year of Mr. Obama's presidency.

This vote could affect the future of the radical health care reform, the out of control spending and everything else that will come out of Washington. I do think that the media will down play it.
