Monday, January 18, 2010

Off to the Races!

So I've went through several blog ideas and titles to come up with this - Politics of the day through the eyes of an everyday teenager.

Tomorrow there is a special election in Massachusetts to fill the senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy. The contenders are Martha Coakley and Scott Brown. Coakley is the incumbent democrat attorney general and republican Brown has been a member of the state senate and house of representatives. Until this month the election had been leaning towards Coakley, but now polls are showing that Brown is in close tie or even ahead of her.

Some may wonder why this election is so important. This seat has been held by the late Kennedy for forty-six years and it could be instrumental in the years to come of the President Obama's administration. Not to mention that our President himself has spent SO much time up there campaigning for her. This one seat would show what Massachusetts, a state that voted for him, is thinking after the first year of Mr. Obama's presidency.

This vote could affect the future of the radical health care reform, the out of control spending and everything else that will come out of Washington. I do think that the media will down play it.



  1. Wow, Sean. What a concise and accurate summary of the situation. When you are president, I hope you will remember your old English teacher and invite to the White House for dinner one night :)

  2. Very nice title, Sean. And of course, Brown won. HA. HA. HA. :-)
