Sunday, May 16, 2010


Here's a quick overview of my itinerary on the Kentucky Rural Electric Washington Youth Tour.

Day 1 -
Depart from Lexington at 4:30 till we arrive at the Hotel in Charleston, WV.

Day 2 -
Tour Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home.
Dinner in Manassas and arrive in Washington D.C.

Day 3 -
Christ Church
Capitol Building, pictures
Tour of White House area
FDR Memorial
Boat Cruise and dance on the Potomac

Day 4 -
NRECA Youth Day
Smithsonian Institution Museums
U.S. Navy Band Concert at Capitol
Jefferson Memorial

Day 5 -
Tour WWII, Vietnam, Lincoln, and Korean War Veterans Memorials
Washington National Cathedral
Arlington National Cemetery
U.S. Marine Memorial

Day 6 -
Capitol Hill
Appointment with Representatives (BRETT GUTHRIE! YES)
Capitol Tours
Appointments with Senators (MITCH! YES)
Farewell event

Day 7 -
National Holocaust Memorial Museum
Old Post Office
Ford's Theatre
Hard Rock Cafe/ESPN Zone
National Archives
Depart for Kentucky

Day 8 -
Arrive in Lexington.

PUMPED for this trip to say the least. To be in the place where men like Lincoln and Reagan were really gets me pumped! I can't wait.

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