Monday, March 8, 2010

True Colors

The Reconciliation movement I mentioned in another blog is not hushed any longer. Democrats are openly discussing using the movement and plan on shoving health care down the American People's throat. Saturday Night Live joked saying, "At least they will have someone to look at their throat." Yeah, well that's hilarious.

President Obama is calling for something to prevent filibuster and he is says that they "must finish their work." This ultimatum is horrific. That the President of the United States of America is calling for something that there is widespread opposition to, from all areas of the political spectrum.

I hope they pass it. I really do. If the Democrats and any of the Republicans vote for this bill, it will show their true colors - that they are Progressives. Progressives that are interested in their own agenda, not the agenda of the American People. If they show who they truly are they can kiss their election goodbye.

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