Sunday, February 28, 2010


I started reading a book the other day. It is called "Do Hard Things." The tagline for the book is, "A teenage rebellion against low expectations." That is exactly what it is. The book was authored by two nineteen aged young men.

At age sixteen they were asked to be a part of the Alabama Supreme Court and were accepted as the youngest interns in the history of that court. They then began to assist in the campaign of the most senior member of the court.

I am only about to the fourth chapter and plan on updating everyone as I progress. So far they have talked about so many things, it is absolutely mind blowing. They encourage young people to get involved and to care about politics because they are going to influence us once we graduate. It's motivational and inspiring to see two kids start one summer reading famous books and then a couple years later they have expanded to a website with thousands of followers.

I implore you to check it out and become a member of the Rebelution!

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